On March 24th, Pandora Radio (http://www.pandora.com/) donated 15 Macbook Pros and several Windows-based PC Laptops, as well as headphones to Today’s Future Sound to assist TFS in its efforts to continue to provide music and STEM/STEAM education, as well as computer and media literacy to OUSD students and community members. This donation was particularly important for TFS as most instructors use their own personal computers and equipment in creating the mobile beat labs that TFS delivers five days a week in Oakland schools including Prescott, Hoover, Lafayette, Grass Valley, and Greenleaf Elementary Schools as well as West Oakland, James Madison and Claremont Middle Schools. TFS’ work at these sites is enabled in large part by contracts with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR), as well as funding from Oakland Fund for the Arts, The Bill Graham Foundation, the Open Circle Grant (administered by the East Bay Community Foundation), the Awesome Foundation